Monday, November 9, 2009

M.M.'s Pockybox. A Talented Student Artist!

Maren Marmulla is a 20 year old communication design student from Dortmund, Germany. She is passionate about videogames and drawing and has a great sense of humor! Her work is a great example of a hardworking student who's constantly doodling and creating fan art and comics about her interests; much of which springs from games such as Metal Gear Solid, Silent Hill, and numerous other franchises from games, comics, films, manga and anime alongside many of her own original works. Her site is designed to be like navigating a videogame and her gallery and blog contain many sketches, colourings, works in progress and some step by step breakdowns of her art. She works in both digital and traditional disiplines. There is much to see and take inspiration from!


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