Saturday, November 7, 2009

James Cameron's 'AVATAR'

The grand marketing campaign for this highly anticipated film has kicked off this month! Avatar promises to be one of the most ambitious and spectacular showcases of digital CG effects and the most immersive stereoscopic 3-D experience ever! James Cameron has developed some revolutionary filmaking techniques in virtual cinematography and pioneered real time 3D technology and cameras to bring his vision to life. And it also helps to have some of the very best concept artists and production designers around to bring the colorful alien world of Pandora and its creatures to life!

Here are some links to interesting articles and interviews for anyone interested in the work involved behind the production for this film:

An interview with Sculptor Jordu Schell, who created the designs for the Na'vi alien characters out of maquettes.

An interview with concept/production artist James Clyne about working with Cameron on Avatar as well as his Battle Angel Alita adaptation.

An excellent 12-page article about James Cameron from the start of his career right up to some behind the scenes information on Avatar. It really highlights the enormous amount of effort and money filmaking requires in this day and age. A very informative and inspiring read for anyone aspiring to get into filmaking!

Also here's a special featurette video about Avatar:

If you haven't had a chance to check out the official trailer, you can find it here!


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