Sunday, July 13, 2008

Justin Ridge and Hye-Jung Kim Flavor:01 Sketchbook

Just got word from the super talented Justin Ridge that his new sketchbook (Flavor:01) - which is shared with the also talented Hye-Jung Kim will be coming out in 2 weeks at Comic-con where we expect he will sell out.

Fear not however, as he's putting copies aside just for us. His past sketchbooks were almost instanteous sellouts for us. We are very excited about this one. Last year - was a dry year, as we didn't have a new Justin Ridge Sketchbook (since he didnt do one). We expect, this new one that's put out through Alberto Ruiz's Brandstudio Press to really satisfy.

Justin has worked on Avatar the Last Air Bender, as well as Flight and many other cool projects.

Expect tons more Sketchbook announcements on this blog over the next few weeks.


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