Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Just read an interesting article on New York Times.Com about how companies with classic characters are attempting to revamp them in an effort to make them financially viable again. Sometimes this can be a good thing, but ultimately it means more of the same and less originality. For those of us who grew up on some of these shows it can be an opportunity to revist something we loved. Transformers is a great example. Being a fan of the original show I had high expectations for last summers film. In the end, it didn't hold up to the 2D original. Strawberry Shortcake on the other hand.. well, you decide.

Full article here:

Oh, and while you've probably heard already -they're making a 3d Smurfs Movie. Not sure if it will be any good or not, but I am looking forward to the new merchandise that is sure to follow.

Here's the first screen image to be released:


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