Sunday, November 18, 2007

VINYL GRAFFITI ARTISTS - deadline extended

we are extending the deadline for the Vinyl Graffiti Show to the end of the month -but we need you to send in the 'before' image of the album cover you are going to use. that is -before you do any work on it. simply email me the before image to join the show.

I got to tell you guys that we have gotten quite a few outstanding entries already. Harvey Chan dropped off the first one tonight -and it's very impressive, but i got to tell you -some of the other pieces we got are equally gorgeous. I don't want to give away the finished pieces, but I thought it would be fun to post a handful of the before images here.

Please pass the word out - to anyone you feel might be interested in joining the show.

ALSO REMINDER: This Saturday Nov 24th - Bobby and Kei will be here at the Store to sign books, chat and discuss art for the Launch of their new book and show : Dragon Sketches.
Starts 7pm on Nov 24th.


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