Saturday, March 31, 2007


Hi All,

Still working on the store. Hopefully the lease will be signed soon and I can announce that its all official. In the mean time, I am trying to come up with a mascot. A character that can appear on t-shirts, the store sign, business cards and possibly a full body costume (like the kind they have at wonderland or disney world)

Some suggestions included a dragon or a minataur, however, it can be anything -that fits with animation, illustration or anime. It should be fun, appealing and not overly complicated.

Please email me your design ideas. I will post them here on the blog. If your design is chosen, you will get a $150 store credit towards the goodies of your choice. Plus I will love you forever and sing your praises every time the subject of the mascot is brought up.

Email your designs to:



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