Wednesday, March 14, 2007


First the good news: We finally found a store. Our goal is to be open by June 1st, but depending on how things go, we may be open as early as May 15th. As you could imagine, starting up a store will take some work. I will be taking pictures of the place as we go through the process of transforming it and hopefully post that here. Expect that to start happening in early May.

More Good News: We will be launching a website you can shop from June 1st as well. Nothing is up yet, but we have a programmer working on it right now. We will announce the web address closer to the date.

Not So Good News: I can't reveal the new store location just yet. Sorry. What I can say is that it will be in Toronto. The exact address, hours of operation, etc.. will be revealed here on this blog no later than May 10th.



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