Friday, September 15, 2006


Its a long story so let me start at the beginning.

This past July I was at comic-con, where I picked up copies of Pat Morgan's awesome new sketchbook and 2 amazing sketchbooks by Rod Guenoden. The problem was, that I picked up many other great sketchbooks and didnt have space in my luggage to bring everything home. So - what I did was, pack these sketchbooks in a box, and asked John Nevarez to mail them out to me when he mailed out his sketchbooks (that I also ordered at the con.)

For those of you who aren't familiar with John, let me say this: John works over at Disney. He's an amazing artist but more importantly one of the nicest guys I have ever met. Soft spoken, humble and super friendly.

More than month and a half passes and no packages have arrived. John is going crazy over this, and so am I. I believe John when he says he shipped the stuff, but am frustrated that he cant find any record of shipping it (i.e. tracking #s.) Now, if John wasn't the kind of guy that I said above, I might have worried that something sinister was going on. But the thought never crossed my mind. In my mind - John had my full confidence.

Late last week we got a call from UPS's lost package centre. They found a box. It didnt have any shipper info, so we didnt know what package it was, but both John and I were optimistic it might be the missing box. At least one of the two boxes that John shipped. The other box was full of Johns two awesome sketchbooks.

Today one box arrived and in it were the Pat Morgan and Rod Guenoden sketchbooks. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am. I had tried to buy Rod's sketchbooks last year, but he didnt have enough copies. For weeks now, I thought - oh great, I may never have these sketchbooks to offer people. The two pencil sketches shown are a sample of rod's work. Pat's book is the colour image with Whaleboy on the cover.(I love Whaleboy)

So what of John's two sketchbooks?

Two days ao, we got another call from UPS that they found another unlabelled box. We have no idea what is inside of that box, and when we called UPS today -they said the box was missing. They think it might have been shipped out. I am crossing my fingers. John offered to ship out a duplicate shipment (see I told you he was a great guy) but I asked him to hold out until we find out if this 2nd box shows up. Stay tuned for the conclusion..

If you want to see Rods or Patrick's sketchbooks, come by our sale next week at Seneca. Tuesday to Thursday Sept 19-21st 10am-5pm. for directions, etc..please email me.


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