Thursday, September 21, 2006


THEY'RE HERE! The two awol John Nevarez sketchbooks have made it back from the world of the missing pakcages and into my grubby hands. ha ha ha. Well, actually i got a call that they came in. I wont have my paws on them until tonight. Seriously though, if you haven't yet seen John's sketchbooks, do yourself a favour and take a peak. As I've mentioned before, John is super talented and the sketchbooks are a real treat. Not expensive either.

ALSO I AM TRYING TO PUT TOGETHER A LIST OF THE TOP TEN SKETCHBOOKS that an animator should own. Not sure if i should have a seperate list for finished illustration books (eg. ashely woods Grande Finale,etc..) or just have one list that combines the best from everything. If you got any opinions as to what books should be on there, let me know. Oh -and if you have your own top ten list, feel free to respond with that.


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