Monday, July 26, 2010

Japan Trip - Part 8

After lunch we travelled into the heart of Tokyo itself. Outside the station were the well known UNIQLO clothing stores and I went in to check out if they had any of those cool Metal Gear Peace Walker shirts in stock, but sadly they were all sold out, except for one plain one... Too bad, I wanted to buy one of the others ones... especially the red Big Boss Che Guevara one...

We walked around the place, visiting the Electric City shopping areas, went in and checked out the famous Yodobashi Camera stores, passed other electronics shops and karaoke places and finally reached the Tokyo Government Towers where we went up to the top to check out the view. They had a nice restaurant and some other stores up there with a bunch of anime and Evangelion merchandise which are quite popular here. Some schoolchildren on a class trip were also running around taking notes and drawing things and... Evangelion cookies??? Wow!!!


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