Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Phil Noto Trans Am Sketchbook & New Life Drawing book

Signed Copies of Phil Noto's Trans Am Champions finally in stock.
Thanks Phil!

If you're one of the people that requested one, we will have it on hold for you and call/email you shortly. If you didn't save one, but wanted one - please stop by the shop or send us an email -> info@thelabyrinthstore.com

NEW: Figure Drawing Design and Invention - a truly amazing new book by Michael Hampton. Not only are the drawings top notch, but the way the author explains anatomy is really fresh and easy to understand. Check it out in store now. Some signed copies available at no extra charge. Believe us - you haven't seen a book quite like this before. We definatley haven't!

Claire Wendling Daisies sketchbook is coming! We just got word from the publisher that the books are on their way. No worries -we will post images when it arrives!


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