Saturday, May 2, 2009

Graphic Novel Sale -40% Off , just a little bit longer

Today - Free Comic Book Day was a huge Success.

I brought the camera with me with the intent of taking pictures of all the folks, but we were so busy, there was no time to take pictures.

We opened half hour early, and by opening the shop was quite full.

Folks got dozens and dozens of Free comics, and many got out with Free Graphic Novels Too.

One of the more popular deals -was 40% off the US cover on boxes full of Trades and Graphic Novels.

So - we are extending the 40% deal for 1 week - until next weekend.

40% off the US on HUNDREDS of Select titles.

We will be adding to this selection throughout the week, and especially this coming Wednesday when we recieve a bunch of great Marvel books that we've never had on sale before.

Stop by and take advantage.


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