Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Ok -so anyone that's been to the store since Sunday already knows this, but the Labyrinth now displays its wall of manga in a new way. We now have 3 sections instead of 7.

the big change has to do with books in the old sections we labelled as:

action comedy

Now - all of these sections have been rolled up into one alphabetical section with manga from all these categories. Can We call it the Shonen section? would that be wrong? If anyone can suggest a way to describe this section using a single word that would be cool.

Still seperate, as per customer feedback is the Shojo Section and the Yaoi Sections.

Overall I am thrilled with the change. Addmitedly though, after using the old system for so long - it feels a bit strange looking for books, now that they are moved over. Still, long term the new simplified system will save us time in racking books and save you time in finding books.

Let us know what you think.

Another change that manga fans may have noticed is all the little boxes. Yes -they aren't much to look at now, but we will be sprucing them up in the coming weeks. Adding colour and tags. The goal of the boxes is to help us adjust to the ever growing selection without having to get rid of titles, and isn't that what life is all about?!

Fyi: Each box will have a unique title or series and the latest issue for all ongoing series will always be at the front.

If anyone out there, that's been to the store has any new ideas on how we can improve your shopping experience, our displays or selection, we would love to hear from you.


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