Friday, January 4, 2008


Just got in a whack load of awesome Gnomon Workshop DVDS. Everything from matt painting, corel painter, rendering, maquette building, character/creature design, comic art and more..

As compared to movie DVDs -this series isn't cheap, but as compared to the cost of education at colleges or private school -the DVDs by Gnoman are a real bargain. The best part is you get to learn from artists at the top of their fields at your own pace. Stop by the store and have a look -or go online at and preview them for yourself. Our store prices are the same as on the website, except you don't pay shipping and if you buy 2 or more, we'll take off 10%.

2 new dvds:
David Finch has a new DVD showing his techqnique for pencilling. then there's a DVD by Steve Firchow showing how he coloured Dave's piece in photoshop.

Alvin Lee (street fighter) also has a how to dvd out in the series.

Finally a word about Steve Rude's new book: Artist in Motion. It is so so cool. if you like comics, animation and illustration - this book combines it all really really well. He's a real solid draftsman. He's also genuinely passionate about drawing and it shows in the interviews throughout the book. Having said that -the art is gorgeous and really worth checking out. There's a mix of sketches, paintings, and comic art.


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