Tuesday, December 4, 2007

vinyl graffiti extended one last time

Hi Folks,

Since Dragon Sketches was pushed back, that means the next show (Vinyl Graffiti won't be until January). This allowes us to extend the deadline one last time for anyone interested in joining up.

Please email me with a jpeg of the 'before' image of the record cover -and then the final piece won't be due until the 1st week of January.

Rules again:
1. Do any illustration you want on an old record cover (the cardboard covers that you find th old large black records in). As long as its interesting and well done -we are interested in seeing it.
2. make sure some part of the cover is still showing. It can be as little as some text or an entire image.
3. Email me to let me know you're working on it -by sending in the 'before' jpeg.
4. Use any medium you want: paint, marker, etc..
5. Have Fun -otherwise there's no point.

* the image shown is from the book 'banksy wall and piece'.


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