Tuesday, October 2, 2007


Attention artists - we want you!

The Labyrinth is looking for individuals to contribute 1 piece of art for an upcoming Graffiti art show.

Here's the concept:

Graffiti is typically done on a large scale on the outside of buildings. Our gallery however, is too small for that, so instead we propose Graffiti art done on the cover of Record Sleeves. You may have some in your closet, or you can find them in second hand stores or even garage sales for less than a buck! That's the canvas upon which you, as the artist will be composing your vision on. You can use any kind of paint, markers or other materials you wish to use.

There are only 2 rules:

Rule #1 - you must leave some portion of the cover from the original record cover showing. This can be a character,a title, a logo or any other part of the cover you want to show. This is important -since we want to establish that you are indeed doing graffiti on an existing image.

Rule #2 - You have complete creative freedom, but keep in mind this is a family store where anyone might walk in. It can be cartoony, serious, abstarct, script, character driven, realistic -you decide how you want to stand apart.

Before starting, email me to let me know you'll be trying this out.
If possible, try and take a digital photo of the album cover before doing any work on it, and addtional photos as the process continues. I will try and post some of this up on the blog for folks to see. If you don't have a camera, ask a friend.

The Art that we choose to go up in the gallery will be up for aproximately 1 month -and will be put up for sale. Should the art sell, The artist will get 50% of the selling price, and the Labyrinth will get the other 50%. Either way - you will get exposure and it will be fun having all the artists come in for the launch of the show. Your name, website or other contact info will be mentioned beside your work (unless for some reason you decide to keep anonymous).

DEADLINE: Final artwork on record sleeve expected at the store no later than November 15th.

Questions? just post them in the comments and I'll respond.


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