Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Alberto Ruiz & Friends Wild Art Show




New York illustrator Alberto Ruiz will be here to meet fans, sign books and talk art. Well known for his amazing Pin-Up style drawings, Alberto has also recently branched out into publishing with his new company Guerilla Warefare. That's a strong title from one of the nicest guys we've ever met. Alberto is originally from Latin America, but now lives with is family in New York. He's published several books of his own art, including the instructional 'Process Junkie' that shows his techniques for Adobe Illustrator. His new publishing arm is also responisble for helping folks like: Humberto Ramos, Sean Cheeks Galloway, Andrew Robinson, Patrick Morgan, Matt Stewart, Robin Mitchell and many many other folks put out high quality art books this year. If you were ever thinking of creating your own sketchbook/art book - this is the man to talk to. He's passionate about art and really easy to start talking to.

Joe Weatherly is a California based Life Drawing instructor who's done seminars for folks from Pixar to Dreamworks to Disney. His awesome book 'The Weatherly Guide to Drawing Animals' is a must for anyone seriously interested in drawing animals. His new book 'The Art of Joe Weatherly' is a massive hard cover book chalk full of animal life drawings and paintings. If you want advice from the expert on animal drawing come meet him for yourself.

David Colman is another awesome Animal Drawing expert from California. He's studied with Joe Weatherly before finally publishing his super-popular book 'The Art of Animal Character Design'. Try saying that 10 times fast! Dave is a top character designer in animation having worked for Disney, Sony and Cartoon Network, where he's currently working as a character design supervisor.

All 3 artists are from out of town, so don't miss out on this great opportunity to talk to all of them.

Please spread the word about this one time event to anyone you think might take an interest.

For those who prefer to spend $25-$40 to go to the Fan Expo - you'll also be able to meet these artists there. The show runs the same weekend -and is in fact the reason we were able to get all 3 at one time. The art show however, only happens at the store. So come by and say Hi!


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