Friday, May 4, 2007


Quick post to let everyone know -we're opening up the doors tonight at 6pm. Quick warning, this isn't the Grand Opening -so there are still details to take care of, and little things to do -but for the most part all the books are out.

The sign still isn't up, but should be in by Saturday or Monday at the latest.
currently the sign above the store reads 'Second Spin'. We've created a makeshift sandwich board sign to put outside the store, and posted some mini posters in the window so you can find us.

The Grand Opening and first art show will take place in June.

Finally -if you can't make it tonight - come tomorrow, or the next day, or the day after that! We'll be open. Plus, expect new book shipments every week, including new manga, graphic novels and so on..

Monday-Thursday 11am-8 pm
Friday-Saturday 11am-11pm
Sunday 12pm-7pm



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