Tuesday, July 18, 2006


So the bad news is NO Store. Yeah, we tried for a store, but came in second with the landlord picking another retailer. What can you do?

The good news is we'll have a lot more free time on our hands than if we got a store. Owning a store doesnt just cost a ton of money to rent($50k-80k a year), but is a huge time commitment. So Yay!

Other exciting news - I am heading for Comic-Con on Wednesday. Can't wait to get my hands on all the cool new sketchbooks. We already got books coming in from several artists, but you never know what you're going to find at this show. If you hear of anything, or want me to look out for it for you in San Diego, please email me.

We've also got a large shipment of French books coming in soon. Very excited about that!

STAY TUNED: I'll be announcing a downtown book sale shortly. It will be free admission -so you can see all the new books from San Diego, etc..


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